5 Reasons To Add Full Body Massage To Your Self-Care Routine

Once a year, go somewhere you’ve never been before. Once a week, do something that your body will thank you for.
Only the word MASSAGE is enough to take your mind on a refreshing journey. The thought of getting a massage is like a dream come true for every busy soul. Long working hours, bad posture, constantly sitting in front of the screen and other day-to-day chores can result in stiff muscles and pain in different parts of your body. While many people insist on having a healthy diet with a regular exercise routine, very few emphasise the age-old tradition of body massage.
Hot-oil body massage is one of the oldest traditions followed in Ayurveda. Due to its amazing health benefits, it is now considered as an essential well-being treatment by people around the world. There was a reason why your granny would grease you up with lots of oil on your body during your childhood. A good massage not only nourishes our body but also heals it from within. A massage need not be a luxurious indulgence. Just a weekly oil massage session at home can pamper your soul on a budget.
Here are 5 reasons why adding a full body massage to your self-care routine can change your life:
1. De-stress your mind and senses:
Do you find yourself constantly under stress? Have you tried different techniques for stress management but nothing worked? Then, it’s time to say goodbye to stress with a body massage. Yes, you heard it right. Body massage is a proven and effective stress management therapy that has been practised for years. A good massage can lower your heart rate as well as your blood pressure. Using a body massage oil containing amino fruit extracts can instantly increase the production of endorphins and soothe your senses.
2. Give a natural flush to your complexion:
Everyone dreams of having baby-soft and healthy skin. With constant exposure to dirt, sunlight and pollution, our skin becomes dull and rough. A quick body massage can remove all your skincare woes. It stimulates your skin, drains extra fluids and releases trapped toxins from your body. Indulging in a weekly oil massage can improve your blood circulation and add a natural flush to your complexion. If you have a sensitive skin, then use naturally extracted argan oil with vitamin E, which is known to be the best massage oil for skin.
3. Say goodbye to sore muscles:
Have you ever experienced a deep, steady ache or random, sharp pains in your body? It is possibly a sign of sore muscles. Sleeping in the wrong positions, making repetitive movements or starting a new workout routine can leave your muscles nagging in pain. Whether you are experiencing pain in specific parts of your body or all over your body, a therapeutic oil massage can give you the much needed relief. Experienced massage therapists use deep massage techniques to address the pain points. With prolonged pressure on your muscles during the massage, you can feel the pain leaving your body.
4. Build a solid immune system:
We all know the importance of building a healthy immune system. If you are constantly suffering from chronic illnesses and think that your immune system will heal itself, then you might be wrong. To build a solid immune system, you need to keep your body happy and healthy with regular body massage. Even a single session of body massage may increase the number of lymphocytes that produce white blood cells in our body. This prepares your body to fight infections and improve your overall immunity.Â
5. Sleep like a baby:
Do you spend your nights scrolling mindlessly on your phone’s screen? Do you toss and turn in your bed anxiously before falling asleep?. A number of adults complain about having trouble sleeping. This is because our mind and body feel restless at night. To relax your mind and soothe your senses before sleep, try to get a body massage. Spending 5 to 10 minutes massaging your feet with body massage oil is enough to make you fall asleep.
Have you tried our product?
A common myth about using massage oil on the skin is that it causes clogged pores and acne. However, this is not true. Pure natural oils have been a part of our beauty rituals for thousands of years. Our body massage oil is completely natural and is made up of amino fruit extracts from Argan Oil and other natural actives. Full of antioxidant and nourishing properties, it will hydrate your skin and reduce signs of ageing like wrinkles and fine lines. Unlike other body massage oils, it is non-greasy and gets quickly absorbed into the skin.